Quran Is A Message

Quran Is A Message

The Quran is a divinely inspired message of instruction for humanity that Allah revealed. It is a book filled with profound wisdom, heavenly lessons, and guiding ideals that offer guidance in all facets of life. The Qur'an was sent down as a source of light and a guide for mankind by Allah out of His boundless mercy and love for His creation.

The Quran acts as a guidebook that directs us in the direction of justice and aids us in navigating the intricacies of the outside world. It includes tales of former nations, illustrations of upright people, and eternal moral precepts that provide direction and solutions to the problems we confront. The Qur'an has been kept in its original state by Allah in His wisdom, ensuring that it will always serve as a reliable and timeless source of revelation.



About The Quran

The Quran contains a thorough code of conduct that addresses many facets of life, including family life, societal interactions, and government. It offers direction on issues related to religion, morals, ethics, and the quest for knowledge. We can live a balanced and moral life that pleases Allah if we follow the Quran's instructions.

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