Programs For Adults

Quran Courses

Quran Reading
(Nour El Bayan) For Adults

Learning how to read the Quran correctly is the first step towards learning it. The Noor Al Bayan method is one of the most effective ones that is employed and that Quran teachers use in their classes.

In this course, our Quran teachers will put a special emphasis on ensuring that each student can read the letters and words from the Quran, is pronouncing the letters correctly, and is using the appropriate point of articulation when uttering the letters.


The second step from this course is Tajwee. You will have a high ability to differ any rule of Quran , and how to appropriately apply them to prevent making mistakes. As a result, with the assistance of experienced tutors, you will be able to recite the Arabic Quran correctly with Tajweed.

Quran Recitation
(Noorani Qaida) For Adults

Qaida The Noorani Qaida is an educational and training program whose goal is to gradually teach students the fundamentals of Arabic up to more advanced levels so they can pronounce the letters correctly and read the Holy Qur'an fluently and in tonally.

The student learns the fundamentals of reading single and compound letters during this time so that they are eventually prepared to correctly and flawlessly recite the Noble Qur'an. This approach is distinguished by the fact that it starts with teaching the pronunciation of single letters, then compound characters, and last vowels—the proper order for teaching reading.

Quran Memorization
for Adults

Information on This Quran Memorization Course

This Quran memorization course is made to help sisters, brothers, children, teenagers, and adults learn and memorize the Quran using Tajweed.
The Teacher Role

Your teacher will first check that you are correctly reciting the Quran and that you are using Tajweed.

Ways to learn the Quran:

Before beginning to fully memorize the Quran, it is crucial to perfect Quran recitation. This will eventually make it easier for you to memorize the Quran.

This Quran Hifz program is among the best since all of the Quran teachers who are assigned to teach the Quran are highly qualified from Al Azhar University, which is renowned for its long history of education.

Other Courses

Quran Explanation (Tafseer) For Adults

An online course called "Tafseer Online Classes" is offered by "Al-Azhar Quran Teaching" to non-Arab Muslims and recent converts to Islam. The major focus of the online course is the interpretation of the Holy Quran's words by the knowledgeable instructors of "Al-Azhar Quran Teaching." The instructors begin the online "Tafseer" course by elaborating on the meanings of Surat al-Fatiha, the first Surah in the Holy Quran, and continue doing so all the way through the end of the Noble Quran.  All Muslims should be aware of the meanings of the passages of the Quran they recite at every prayer, which is why Tafseer Online Classes were established.

Tajweed Classes For Adults

The Quran should be recited exactly as it was revealed because it was revealed with Tajweed. To recite the Quran beautifully and precisely like native Arabs, you must learn to read it with Tajweed.
You can enroll in adult online Tajweed lessons to learn Arabic pronunciation and distinguish it from your native accent since the majority of Muslims recite the Quran in their accent and frequently make serious errors.
As our skilled Tajweed teachers are guiding hundreds of adults through this specially created course where you can have a tailored plan that meets your requirements, Quran Book Academy can lend you a helping hand to recite the Quran with immaculate Tajweed.


Islamic Studies for Adults

No matter their nationality or gender, this course is intended for all Muslims who reside in non-Muslim nations and want to develop their understanding of Islamic Studies from a beginner to an intermediate level.
The structure of the Islamic Studies Course is as follows:
1- Aqedah (Islamic Creed)
2- Fiqh (Islamic Law)
3- Hadith (Sunnah)
4- Serah (Islamic History)
5-Tafseer (Quran Interpretation & Understanding)
6- Manners, Ethics & Behaviors

Arabic Course For Adults

By offering a non-traditional online-integrated program that allows Arabic study anywhere in the world, transcending time and space constraints, for as many people as possible who want to learn with unlimited capacity, using modern educational models, as well as saving money and effort, this program will meet the needs of teaching Arabic to non-native Speakers.
Your abilities in Arabic reading, writing, speaking, and listening will be enhanced by our specialized training. Your youngster will be able to hold a full conversation, comprehend what they hear, correctly recite the holy Quran without stumbling, and comprehend its passages by the end of the course. That is what distinguishes our Arabic language instruction.

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