More than 30 Answers to 30 Questions About the Holy Quran

1-What is the meaning of the word “Qur’an”?

That which is Read

2. To whom was the Quran revealed?

To the Last Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

3. On which night was the Qur’an first revealed?

Lailatul-Qadr (Night of the Power) in the month of Ramadhan

4. Through whom was the revelation of the Quran sent?

Through the angel Jibril (AS).

5. Where was the Quran first revealed by the angel Jibril to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

In the cave of Hira in the vicinity of Mecca.

6. What was the age of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) when Qur’an was first revealed to him?

40 Years

7. How many years did Allah send the Quran?

23 Years

8. For how long did the Prophet PBUH receive revelations in Makkah?

13 Years

9. What are the other names of the Qur’an according to the Qur’an itself?

Al-Furqaan, Al-Kitaab, Al-Zikr, Al-Noor, Al-Huda

10. Which of the Companions of the Prophet PBUH recorded the divine revelation?

Abu Bakr (RA)
Usman (RA)
Ali (RA)
Zayed bin Haris (RA)
Abdullah bin Masoud (RA)

11. At whose command, the Quran was written?

At the command of Abu Bakr (may the Lord be pleased with him).

12. On whose advice did Abu Bakr (RA) decide to assemble the Quran as a whole?

On the advice of the companion of Umar (may the Lord be pleased with him).

13. How many associates participated in the creation of a single Mushaf of the Quran in the reign of Abu Bakr (RA)?

75 associates.

14. From which surah the first verses of the Quran were revealed?

Surah Al ‘Alaq (The Clot) (chapter 96)

15-Which is the longest Surah (Chapter) in the Qur’an?

Surah Al-Baqarah (chapter 2)

16.Which is the smallest chapter in the Qur’an?

Surah Al-Kausar (chapter 108)

17-Which chapter of the Qur’an is to be read compulsorily in each raka’at of Salah (Prayer)?

Surah Al-Fatihah (chapter 1)

18-Which is the longest Surah (Chapter) in the Qur’an?

Surah Al-Baqarah (chapter 2)

19- How many surahs there are in the Quran?


20. How many Surahs of the Quran were sent down in Makkah?

86 Surahs

21- How many surahs of the Quran were sent down in Medinah?

28 Surahs

22-Who is the first ‘Haafiz’ (memorizer) of the Qur’an?

Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)

23. Which chapter of the Holy Quran has the name ‘Allah’ in every verse?

Surah Al-Mujadila (The Pleading Woman) – chapter 58

24. Where in the Qur’an has Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) been named ‘Ahmad’?

Surah As-Saf (The Ranks)–chapter 61 verse 6

25. Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the Qur’an?

Prophet Musa (Moses) (peace be upon him)

26- Which was the Surah of the Qur’an which the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) had recited when one of his enemies Utba after listening to it fell in Sajda (prostration)?

The first 5 verses of Surah Fussilat – chapter 41

27- Who is the man about whom, Allah has said in the Qur’an that his body is kept as an admonishing example for future generations to come?

Fir’aun (Pharaoh)

28- In the Qur’an there is a mention of a Prophet who has been called by his mother’s name. Who was he?

Jesus [Prophet Isa (peace be upon him)] is mentioned as Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary)

29-Which was the agreement that was titled Fath-hum-Mubeen’ without fighting a battle?

Treaty of Hudaibiya

30- What are the different names used for Satan or Devil in the Qur’an?

Iblees and ash-shaitaan

31- Which category of creature does the Qur’an put ‘iblees’ into?


32-What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and which were continued by the Muslim Ummah also?

Salat (prayer) and Zakat (obligatory tax to be paid by Muslims to the poor and needy)

33-The Qur’an repeatedly warns of a certain day. Which day it is?

Yaum-ul-Qiyamah (The Day of Judgment)

34-Who were those people with whom Allah was pleased and they were pleased with Him, as mentioned in the Qur’an?

Companions of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) [Quran 9:100]

35-What is the scale or measure of one’s dignity according to the Qur’an?

Taqwa (Piety)

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