Include the Quran in your daily life.

Include the Quran in your daily life.

The Quran is the divine book revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad as guidance for all of humanity. It is a comprehensive source of wisdom, knowledge, and guidance for Muslims. Making the Quran an integral part of one’s life is not only a recommended practice but also a means to attain spiritual enlightenment and draw closer to Allah.

Aiming to live in accordance with Allah's directives, Muslims seek His pleasure by implementing the Quran into their daily lives. In their deeds, choices, and relationships with others, they recite, study, consider, and put the Quran's teachings into practice. In many facets of life, the Quran provides inspiration, comfort, and direction.


One's comprehension of Islam and connection to Allah are deepened when the Quran has a central place in one's life. The Quran offers instruction on a variety of topics, including religion, morality, ethics, family, and interpersonal relationships. It provides answers to life's problems and teaches people how to deal with adversity with tolerance, resiliency, and wisdom.

Additionally, believers' hearts become calm and peaceful as a result of consistently repeating and reflecting on Quranic passages. It is a method for requesting Allah's blessings, pardon, and kindness. People can find the answers to their questions, solutions to their difficulties, and motivation to persevere in their struggles through the Quran.



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